screw conveyor

a device for moving loose materials, consisting of a shaft with a broad, helically wound blade rotating in a tube or trough.
Also called worm.
Examples from the web for screw conveyor
  • Each screw conveyor shall be driven by an electric motor connected to a gear reducer.
  • The conveying of solids requires that the screw conveyor rotate at a different speed than the bowl.
  • The screw conveyor conveys the excavated material to the first of a series of conveyor belts.
  • screw conveyor system that provides a single point collection of spent bullets.
  • Employees must never walk on top of a screw conveyor.
  • If a continuous furnace is used, the mixed charge is fed by screw conveyor directly into the furnace.
  • The bin and the reversible screw conveyor suffered mechanical failure, allowing pressure waves and hot gases to exit the bin.
  • Due to the freezing temperatures that morning, the sludge had clogged the sock and backed up into the screw conveyor.
  • Grout should never be mixed using a screw conveyor, a mortar mixer, or a ready mix truck.
  • In the past, the discharge was transported between the centrifuge and the melt tank using a screw conveyor.
British Dictionary definitions for screw conveyor

screw conveyor

(engineering) a duct along which material is conveyed by the rotational action of a spiral vane which lies along the length of the duct Also called worm conveyor